This interactive map is a central repository, by country, for data sets, research, regulatory information and more pertaining to the global health crisis of lead exposure and poisoning. The intent of the website is to increase awareness, understand the drivers of this crisis, and accelerate the pace of solutions.
The website was initially established to visualize the data presented in The Toxic Truth, authored by Pure Earth and UNICEF. Initial data was sourced from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, utilizing their Burden of Disease dataset for 2019. Additional data from a World Bank publication in Lancet Planetary Health in September 2023, expanding the estimates of cardiovascular deaths and economic impact is also included. Data on country activities related to lead, collected from desk reviews by the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution are added. Finally, details of Pure Earth’s Rapid Marketplace Survey of 2023 are also included. Additional layers will be added to the map as research and data sets become available.
If you have data or other documentation to add to the map, email
Data Sources:
Last updated: August 2024
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